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1949 Hankow surch. 'Temporarily Use' $3 on SYS Shanghai Dah Tung print $5,000 turquoise blue, with surch. shifted upwards
variety, no gum as issued. Yang CC55. Photo
HK$ 800 - 900
1949 Nanchang opt. Chinese char. 'Renminbi Currency' & 'Kiangsi' on SYS or Martyrs stamps complete set of 10, unused and
issued as no gum. Yang CC167-76. Photo
HK$ 800 - 900
South China
Collection of postal markings mainly on 1949 Liberation of Canton & Surcharge issues on stockcards, all used, many on large
pieces, strips, blocks and pairs, with datestamps of a wide range of places in Kwangtung and others (
包括: 廣東松樹坪(手填戳),
廣東台山山背村, 廣東冼村, 廣東峽山, 廣東上街市(代), 瀧水口, 廣東公興, 廣東台山龍溪, 廣東程洋岡(代), 廣東杜厝(代),
廣東中山總理故鄉紀念中學, 郵政儲金廣東潮陽, 郵政儲金丙村, 前山, 廣東赤磡, 揭陽, 康樂, 斗山, 廣東斗山, 廣東新昌,
南昌, 廣東台山, 廣州儲
分局附設郵局一, 廣東沙頭新墟, 廣東白沙(三水), 蘆苞, 廣東澄海, 廣東新榮市, 廣東開平, 廣東
惠陽,中山, 湛江(廣州灣), 恭洲, 廣東番禺燕塘, 九江, 石龍, 廣東平嵐, 河婆, 廣東瑞芬(汕底), 汕頭, 廣州一, 二, 三, 甲, 甲A,
甲B, 壬A, 湖南長沙(乙), 浙江杭州(甲), 等
), condition fair to fine. (Total 325 stamps). Photo
HK$ 20,000 - 30,000
Ex. 1504
1949 (28 Nov.) A cover from Canton to HK, on reverse bearing Liberation of Canton $100 blue vert. strip of 5, tied by bilingual
'CANTON.S.G.No.1' cds. Early usage. Creased and folded. Photo
HK$ 1,200 - 1,500
1949 (29 Dec.) A cover from Swatow reg. to Belgium, bearing Liberation of Hankow perf. complete set tied by bilingual 'SWATOW'
cds. With bilingual 'CANTON' transit on reverse. Fine. Photo
HK$ 1,200 - 1,500
1950 (12 Mar.) A combination cover to HK, bearing South China surch. $800 on $30 Liberation of Canton and South Central China
surch. $200 on $37 blue, Five Point Star, both tied by bilingual 'CANTON' cds with index 'B' at the bottom. Fine. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 2,000